I just remembered one of the weirdest TV-rock moments I ever experienced --
even weirder than ANY Shatner spoken-word thang (which, though I missed his
latest, are guaranteed to be pretty darn weird).

Anyway. There used to be this late-night TV show called "Night Flight",
which started out by running old movies and music videos, and ended up,
last I saw of it, by running cut-up pieces of old movies and videos
together -- weird TV in and of itself. Well, one night, probably about 2 or
3 a.m., I was watching "Night Flight" while simultaneously reading a novel,
listening to music on the stereo, and drinking coffee laced with bourbon.
I'd do this on Friday nights sometimes. Lynn My Spouse was out with his
buddies playing cutthroat double-rapid transit chess, you see, and I'd wait
up for him, mostly as an excuse to vege out in the above manner.

So, as I said, 'long about the early a.m., I look up from my book and see
the cast of McHale's Navy lined up on the ship's, er, front end the way
they'd do for the opening credits of the TV show. Wow, I think
nostalgically, I haven't seen that show in long time. So, I turn up the
sound. And what I hear, instead of the show's theme song, is...

"MMMMmmmmmmmmmm poppa oom mow mow, poppa oom mow mow"

*Cuh-lunk* went my jaw on the floor.

It was like American Bandstand got mixed up with the Twilight Zone and
produced this a capella band called McHale & the Navies. And boy, they went
at it! They started out kind sedate then got more and more animated,
Borgnine slapping his hand on the, er, prow? and all of them starting to
*get down* -- BUT -- all the while keeping the most serious deadpan
expressions you ever saw.

It was hilarious! It was sublime! 

Obviously it was an outtake they did in an odd (very odd!) moment... And if
ANYONE here knows where I can get my hands on a copy of this, please share
this information.

--Cheryl Cline

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