In a message dated 1/26/99 8:32:10 PM Pacific Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

<< Yup. And I'll probably get this wrong too, <g> but wasn't Night Flight the
 umbrella for the show that Peter Ivers did that spotlighted early-80's LA
 scene bands? (Name of the show I can't remember, I know one of y'all will)
 Now *that* was a cool show. I remember seeing The Blasters and X on that
 show, and Los Lobos too? I remember the show was generating some attention
 when Ivers was murdered, ending it.
 Anybody else remember that one? >>

New Wave Theater? Filmed at Florentine Gardens. Was quite the off-the-beaten
path experience. If I remember correctly, their slogan was "Don't Be A
Gerkin.' Or is that gherkin? Gerkhin? Anyhoo.

And, in order to consolidate my TV fluff into one e-mail, I want to correct my
bro and mention that Rachel Sweet is on the writing staff of "Sports Night,"
not "That 70s Show," which is even weirder, methinks.

And finally, in a miraculous effort to combine TV fluff with twang content:
Did anyone happen to notice that Matthew Ryan had a song in Dawson's Creek
last night? That makes Whiskeytown, my So Cal pal Ryan McAnany and I think
Lucinda. There's an NDer lurking on their production staff. We like that.


Neal Weiss

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