>Unfortunately, our webmaster is too squeezed for time to archive the
>shows.  The archived shows were meant to be a stopgap measure until we
>went live on the web.  He's been overworking himself, in the hopes that
>the ops folks here would get us live on the web, as promised.  The live
>webcasting keeps getting delayed, however, and it doesn't look like that's
>gonna happen until we move into our new space in July/August.  Since I've
>been pushing to get us live on the web for, oh, about four years now,
>needless to say I'm more than a little peeved.  I've been raisin' a little
>hell about all this bs recently, and hopefully *something* will be done
>sometime soon.  Grrrrrr.--don

Just some food for thought from a new webcast listener -- I actually prefer
sites where the shows are archived, as it give me much greater freedom in
which programs I choose to listen to.  Just as an example, I'll never hear
"Swingin Doors" if KCMU goes live, because I listen from my computer at
work and Don's on at night. If I tune in during the day (at least to a site
w/ multi-format programming), chances are I'm going to get a show that I'm
a lot less interested in.  Currently, I can go to archived sites and get
the show I want when I want it.  Any chance of having archives as well as
the live feed?

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