Tucker talks about an author I've always meant to investigate further. I seem to enjoy movies and television shows based on Elmore Leonard's writings (Maximum Bob on ABC was brilliant fun and I hope it comes back someday.) Strangely enough, I haven't read any of Leonard's actual writings, though.
I'll have to rectify that.
But, really the point of this was to address Tucker's comments: <<As the newest guest in your house of love, I'm little too talkative, ain't I?>>
This made me giggle. I think he has posted three times today. By normal P2 standards, I don't think that would make the definition of "talkative." or even get him much beyond lurker status. By P2-Fluff standards, he's damn near mute.
Take care,
Shane Rhyne
Knoxville, TN
NP: Lone Justice, This World Is Not My Home

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