Shane S. Rhyne wrote:

>  Howdy, Tucker talks about an author I've always meant to investigate
> further. I seem to enjoy movies and television shows based on Elmore
> Leonard's writings (Maximum Bob on ABC was brilliant fun and I hope it
> comes back someday.) Strangely enough, I haven't read any of Leonard's
> actual writings, though. I'll have to rectify that.

.Yep.  They are all great.  A friend of mine who is a personal injury
and former legal aide lawyer in Minneapolis turned me onto them claiming
their absolute veracity when it comes to depicting low-lifes, riff-raff
and schemers.  Check out The Switch, or the Big Switch.  It's the one
that precedes the one the movie Jackie Brown was based on.  I guarantee
you, you will have a shit-eating grin on your face at the end.  The guy
is the best American writer since Raymond Chandler, or maybe Jim

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