>      I'm sure he can, but as someone else said just watching the guy
> was
> painful.  I use to watch a good deal of SNL in those days with buddies
> of mine
> who were pretty good guitarists themselves, and they would look upon
> those
> skit-ending close-ups on him as comedy sketches in their own right...
        [Matt Benz]  Really. Never have I seen-well, Paul Shaffer,
excluded-, a bandleader try so hard to interject himself into a show.
And his endless parade of cool guitars (what, one for every "go to
commercial?") left me speechless with jealousy, and close ups of him
showboating...goodnight, Alice! He got ripped for his work with Dylan
live, also: I saw him written up as a souless player. On the other hand,
his work on Wait's "DOwntown Train" was great. But then we don't have to
look at him. 

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