At 10:36 AM 2/2/99 -0600, good ol' Stormin' Soron wrote:

>I'm not disagreeing, David, and I'm not putting words in your mouth, but
>this seems to me to be a heartbeat away from the commercial assumption
>that, if it sells well, it must be good.

I guess I'm saying it doesn't work EITHER direction--commerical success
doesn't mean music will suck, and it doesn't mean it will be great either.
Though if we look back through the history of American pop, it's important
to remember most of what gets heralded as great was also popular--which is
exactly what it was trying like hell to be. 

> I think "entire" and "resounding"
>are too strong for what you are saying.

I mean the "entire" not to refer every single single ever put out, hardly,
but to mean every part of the American popular musical tradition. And
resounding, from where I sit, probably isn't strong enough. --david cantwell

PS: I don't know about Jerry Curry's record collection, but MINE sure is
good! <g>

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