> I don't have it with me, but i think it's a UK import that I found used for
> cheap. Sound quality is fair, but I thought it was an interesting pick up
> for the price. A Head Rings Out was definitely one of my faves of the 70's
> and not just cos of the pig's head on the cover. <g>

Oh man, I *loved* Blodwyn Pig!!  Alas, last I heard, the great Mick 
Abrahams was driving a bread truck <g>.  Such is glory.... A Head 
Rings out was a very cool album indeed.  I'd love to hear it again.

You can see Mick Abrahams, of course, in the Stones' Rock n' Roll 
Circus video, back when he was the first guitarist for the dreaded 
Jethro Tull (yuck!).  He was only on their very first album, but that 
still leaves a bad taste in my mouth thinking about it!! 

Phew, what a blast from the past!

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