Ph. Barnard wrote:

> Ooooh!!!
> > I don't have it with me, but i think it's a UK import that I found used for
> > cheap. Sound quality is fair, but I thought it was an interesting pick up
> > for the price. A Head Rings Out was definitely one of my faves of the 70's
> > and not just cos of the pig's head on the cover. <g>
> Oh man, I *loved* Blodwyn Pig!!  Alas, last I heard, the great Mick
> Abrahams was driving a bread truck <g>.  Such is glory.... A Head
> Rings out was a very cool album indeed.  I'd love to hear it again.
> You can see Mick Abrahams, of course, in the Stones' Rock n' Roll
> Circus video, back when he was the first guitarist for the dreaded
> Jethro Tull (yuck!).  He was only on their very first album, but that
> still leaves a bad taste in my mouth thinking about it!!
> Phew, what a blast from the past!
> --junior

  Yes yes yes.  I've been looking for a head rings out for years, since my
original disappeared (I blame a certain Carbondale junkie).  I loved Abrahams
mixed with that guy who played two saxaphones at once.  The first Tull album is
actually pretty good, mainly because of Abrahams doing a kind of blues meets Wes
Montgomery thing as I recall. Havent heard it in years.  I recall finding an
aritcle about Abrahams somewhere on the web.  He apparantly has some newer stuff
out on some little indy lable in England or something.  Cant remember exactly,
but I was probably searching for Blodwyn Pig records.


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