I wrote:

>>      Um...that's actually Black Sabbath's Tony Iommi on guitar with
>> in the Circus; his only performance with the group during his infamous
>> 2-week stint with the group.

Junior responded:

>Good lord...<g>.  I always assumed that had to be Mick A.!!  I'm gonna
>rent and watch it tomorrow to see.  All I can say is, it serves Tull
>right, seeing as Mick was great and they were obnoxious, etc....
>I'm renting it asap to check this out.  Thanks Jon!,

     A word of warning.  I can't remember what the credits say on the
video, but on the CD Mick A. is listed as the group's guitarist, in spite
of the fact that the guitarist in the pictures is clearly Iommi
(pre-moustache, but playing a leftie white SG).  In fact, when the CD was
first released I e-mailed "I.C.E." about the error (since they love to
follow these things and embarass the guilty parties in print...) and they
wrote back saying they had been told the same thing by a couple of other
people and would follow up on it.
     As for the plastic fingertips on Iommi's right hand, you can see
them in some Sabbath footage, though I didn't really look closely the one
time I saw the Tull footage.  You're on your own here.  
     Other suggested threads on long-obscure acts:  Lindisfarne,
Stackridge, Hatfield and the North, Mud, Budgie, and Greenslade.
                                --Jon Johnson
                                   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                                   Wollaston, Massachusetts

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