At 07:59 AM 1/15/99 -0600, Bill Lavery wrote:
>I believe that there are no royalties paid on the 'come on' offers, the
>buy ten for the price of one.  Royalties paid for the rest.  Now I don't
>know if it is at the same rate.

I had hesitated to join a record club because I thought no royalties 
were paid.  But someone on rmcw who seemed knowledgeable told me that
royalties ARE paid on record club cds, though they are less than on
the ones sold in stores.

I just did a Deja News search to see if I could find that post, and
found some more current ones that spelled it out more thoroughly.
These posts were from the author of the CD Club FAQ; and in the FAQ
section about ethics:
he cites as his source:  Billboard Magazine ("Record Clubs: An Inside 
Look At An Evolving Enterprise", 30 March 1996.)

The FAQ also states:
"...generally an artist will receive no royalties for CDs sold as 
"free or bonus" selections and only one-half their normal royalty rate 
for CDs sold as full priced selections. (see Shemel, Syndey. "This 
Business of Music". 1990. 61)" 


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