Lee Ranaldo of Sonic Youth once said to me that they were "scribes." I guess
this is short for "inscribe?" anyway, I asked because in the inner groove of
"Goo," on side 2, it reads, "Tipper Fucks Ozzie." I assumed at the time they
meant Ozzy, but misspelled his name, but maybe they really meant Ozzie
Smith. Maybe Ozzie Nelson?

Well, my favorite "scribe" comes courtesy of the Minutemen--I think all of
the SST bands of the 80's did this--who write "Arena Rock is the New Wave"
on side d. of Double Nickels on the Dime. This is followed by side mike's
"Punk Rock is the New Nostalgia." Any chance to bring up this album, and I'm

Lance, wondering if he wants new wave, or if he wants the truth . . .

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