Aw, I'm just joshing ya. Those few posts you made while hammered
(few?!!) had me rolling on the floor. Never have I seen anyone who could
type the way a drunken man talks gibberish. So I was almost disappointed
with your straight review of the Gourds, but that's alright. It was
still a good review.

Well, then, have yerself a good drunk tonight. Speaking of which, this
reminds me of a somewhat amusing Bob Sovine story, for what it's worth.
Last practice, the man had finished a 40 ouncer and was sitting down
when I started off a song. I get done with the little intro lick, and
instead of him coming in with his part, suddenly, Bob's guitar flies
through the air, smashing into the mic stand with a great
"grrboingeeeepcrash!" in perfect time. "Damn strap." he sez.

Now I'm the Other Matt....
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Matt Cook [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Wednesday, February 10, 1999 3:32 PM
> To:   passenger side
> Subject:      Re: It hasn't died after all (long)
> Are you makin' fun of me?
> 'Cause if you are, I don't think I can take it.
> Never happened to me before.
> --Matt Cook

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