At 11:40 AM 2/11/99 -0800, the Iceman wrote of MiJack and others:

>  I would rank him as one of the three most influentail black
>artists of the last 20 years.  The others would be Stevie Wonder who just
>plain never ceases to amaze me.  The third one would be his royal pain in the
>ass over- egoed TAFKAP (the artist formerly known as Prince).

No argument on Prince and MiJack, but Stevie's great period would be well
over 20 years ago wouldn't it? I mean, from Fingertips to Talking Book and
Innervisions through Songs in the Key Of Life only takes us up to, like,
1976. He's had moments in the last 20 years (Hotter Than July comes to
mind) but it's definatly not his A stuff. 

Could we agree on this: one of the most influential, and best, artists of
the entire rock and soul era? for the entire century? But not the last 20
years. --david cantwell

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