Many of you have not gotten the point that I had tried to make. I agree with
all of you that you have to make your own opportunites, network, exposure, bla
bla bla... SXSW is great. Go home and tell em you went. Make contacts. bla bla
on and on.

The point is simply this. SXSW seems to have a good racket going with the
ticket price, registration price, hotel deals bla bla bla. Damn they have got
to make a lot of money. SOmeone is making a lot of money. DO they have to keep
all of it. Can any more of it go back to the bands somehow? All I am hearing
are the stories that it was great, but stressfull, we ate peanut butter for a
month afterward, etc....

SXSW would not be jack shit if bands did not show up. It would be nice if the
bands could actually be compensated better than they are right now. Seems to
me that whoever is in charge is worried about "putting on a good show" and
"going to the bank afterwards."

Again I say, if bands did not show up SXSW would not be jack shit. 

My redneck-hate-to-see-musicians-get-used opinion..... 

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