>>>That's the way the music 
industry works, actually.

My last comment on the subjest, and I promise I will shut up. I am really
sorry if I have stumbled upon a touchy subject for many of you. It just seems
like we all love music so much, and I am not just being selfish when I suggest
that we try to give something more back to the musicians who give so much to

SXSW is a good thing for the bands that get to play. The whole experience has
got to be great. Just playing in Austin is cool. I have never been accepted to
SXSW, I quit send them shit in the early 90s. But it would be a good gesture
on their part to at the very least give all band members passes to everything
so no one is left out. It would also be cool to have a cafeteria catering set
up so thebands can atleast get a couple decent meals a day, for free. With all
the sponsorships, don't you think someone would want to make sure the
musicians are fed. Hell, tell someone to call Fred Smith at Fed Ex here i
Memphis. I bet HE would want to make sure they all eat.

And last, if SXSW did these things, then the bands would be much happier,
probably play much better, and may not feel so bad about how much income they
lost in travel and hotel to do it. 

I bet if  Elvis were still alive, he would not play for SXSW unless they fed

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