Admit it Matt.  You are not really a Gourds' fan at all, are you??
C'mon?? I have the sneaking suspician that, in the grand tradition of Andy
Kaufman, et al. you have decided to deconstruct fandom by creating the
absolute most obnoxious fan you or anyone can imagine.

Your real genius (c'mon admit it) is that you have exploited the internet
and become the first ever virtual performance artist.  You aim to make
those of us who are still salvageable - aware of the absurdity of
identifying with a band or any musical movement and you have chosen our
humble little cult to beging tyhe Cook Revisionist movement.

I salute you good sir.  Matt Cook.  You have captured Beatlemania
(lightning in a bottle!!) and thrown it back at another generation in a
brilliant stunt and stuffed history back in its black whole.

gourds.  gourds. gourdS. gourDS. gouRDS. goURDS. gOURDS. GOURDS. GOURDS!!

ha ha.  oh Matt, please let us in on the joke. 

I know you won't.  But breathe easy for we are one step closer to
freedom from bondage.

Matt Cook.  Performance Artist.  Liberator!

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