Jon Weisberger writes:

>>      Oooooohhhh....  Can I play?  In order:  1) The Grateful Dead....
>Nope.  If I understand the rules correctly, this would not only wipe 
>out the Old & In The Way stuff, which I could probably live with, but
>Bluegrass Reunion album with Red Allen, and since that's about the 
>biggest chunk of Red available on CD (save for the cuts on the 
>Osborne Brothers boxed set), it's a definite no-go.  

     I dunno, Jon.  Sounds to me like a small price to pay if I could
count on never having another hippie trying to convince me how great
"Workingman's Dead" was.  In one fell swoop my years running a record
store would have been improved by 200%.  For that matter, some of 'em
might have picked up a thing or two about personal hygiene at some point,
                                --Jon Johnson
                                   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                                   Wollaston, Massachusetts

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