At 10:22 AM 3/1/99 -0500, the Slonedog wrote: 

>Hey did anybody see the review of
>Wilco's new one "Summerteeth" that cites ELO as a possible influence?  Does
>anyone else who has heard the album agree?

Well I do, but then I wrote the review so that don't mean nothing. I should
say though that this "possible influence" has been comfirmed by Tweedy
himself. A friend of mine, Danny Alexander, writing for the radio trade
Totally Adult, asked Tweedy at my request (this is from memory but I think
I'm very close to word for word here; I can look it up if necessary):

"A friend of mine said the first thing he heard when he listened to Summer
Teeth was ELO?"

To which Tweedy replied, in what Danny described to me as "an almost
reverent tone":

"Oh yeah, we heard that in there too. We *loved* ELO." (Tweedy's emphasis,
not mine or Danny's)

Of course, it's not like any of us could have listened to the record and
doubted their ELO jones for one second, but there it is... 

Where do I sign up for the Jeff Lynne fan club again? I can't get down with
Discovery, but Face The Music, A New World Record, and Out Of the Blue?
Mmmm, mmm that's some good pop music! --david cantwell

NP: Julianna Raye's Something Peculiarl produced by Jeff Lynne

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