> -----Original Message-----
> Sent: Wednesday, March 03, 1999 12:29 PM
> To:   passenger side
> Subject:      RE: Damnations TX vs tired UT sounds
> Whoa! I don't hear any of the Girls whitebread folkiness or unbridled
> (read
> over the top), er, enthusiasm on the Damnations record. If you've
> never
> seen this band live, you owe it to yourself to catch 'em. Maybe the
> record
> doesn't do them justice, if you've never experienced them before.
> Maybe a
> trip to Twangfest is in order. <g>
> Jim, smilin'
        [Matt Benz]  
        Whoa! Indeed. If I heard anything that reminded me of the
IGirls, this disc woulda been flung far and wide. As it is, while not
every song is spot on (that "fingerin' the pie" is um.. .fruit filling,
IMHO), it's good stuff.

        Now, I need to get back to the Kelly Willis disc.

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