At 12:06 PM 3/5/99 -0500, you wrote:
> Tera wrote:
>>- seems to be music for we aging baby boomers as opposed to
>>alt.rock or new country which seems to target the teen to twenties crowd.
>Just a quick note as I gather breath to respond to Jake's epic 
>call'n'response from yesterday -
>I think if you look at the P2 Survey you'll see the untruth of this. I'm 
>convinced that alt-country is a (as Monsieur London puts it) "tailbust" and 
>"gen-x" phenomenon. A glance around the audience at any alt-country show 

I'd disagree with this. Bands like Whiskeytown, Son Volt, and Wilco skew
younger. I recognize the collecting passion in the voices of the customers
that is one of you. That is, the "I must have EVERYTHING Whiskeytown
released," passion. Same one I had for REM 15 years ago. The older folks,
the ones with jobs and largely without .EDU at the end of the e-mail
account, are more into the music. These are the 30-somethings and
40-somethings. At least, where I work this is how it shakes out.


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