Tera wrote:
>- alt.country seems to be music for we aging baby boomers as opposed to
>alt.rock or new country which seems to target the teen to twenties crowd.

Just a quick note as I gather breath to respond to Jake's epic 
call'n'response from yesterday -

I think if you look at the P2 Survey you'll see the untruth of this. I'm 
convinced that alt-country is a (as Monsieur London puts it) "tailbust" and 
"gen-x" phenomenon. A glance around the audience at any alt-country show 
I've attended shows it skewing way to folks in their late-20s to mid-30s, 
with a smattering of younger and older. The punk connection of the 
"insurgent" side in particular makes the demographics fairly easy to track. 
Refer back to the Wilson-London chronicles for various bafflingly vague 
descriptions of the broader implications of this general pattern.

I do think it's important that alt-country has a Gen-X connection (and as 
Jake noted, even a few years difference in age has some important 
implications for where in musical-cultural history you'll stand). And I'd 
also assert New Country is much more boomer-oriented than is alt-country - 
thus HNC takes its rock influences from Billy Joel, not from the Clash.
     Carl W.

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