>I don't think that many growing up in the
>sixties waved a cautionary flag to the ever-changing musical parade ripe
>with social commentary.  For many of the boom generation, there was
>shock,  sadness and a permeating sense of disbelief that "The American
>Dream" as told to us by our parents as interpreted through the grand deceit
>of politicians was NOT infact a natural progression.  It signalled a
>call from innocence and a pathway through which those who wished to could
>express their attitudes and beliefs toward the chicken-in-every-pot
>depression era and WWII ideals.  Gen X cynicism is a hand-me-down albeit
>more intensified and "what about me" attitude from the Baby Boom

Then why didn't the Velvet Underground sell more records??

Lance . . .

np--Sunday Morning

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