Barry wrote a bunch of smart stuff, including:

>You have to be able to see irony in places where it's not dog-marked with
>today's style, and therefore  obvious in retrospect; you have to deal with
>a time and place that actually were different, and styles that reflected
>that difference--and maybe explore it as an interesting undiscovered

>So the unpleasant truth for boomers  and X'ers and Y'ers alike is that
>evolution keeps on evolving--and the radical breaks each of these groups
>imagine are their "accomplishment"  are often not that radical in
>retrospect.--whether that's pleasant to swallow or not.
>I've come to a firm belief that Boomer Bashing is surviving now as the
>nostalgia of  today's 30 somethings.  Who are getting a little long in the
>tooth for it themselves!
>And basically--who gives a damn what they call I believe
>has been there as long as country has.

Nothing special to add to Barry's perspective, clarity, and brevity, <g>
but I <heart> Barry Mazor!


"The truth ain't always what we need, sometimes we need to hear a beautiful
lie." -Bill Lloyd

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