> that people who cant hang up while
>  they drive drive as badly as a drunk driver.  I've known too many people
>  who've had their cars totaled by dimwits who couldnt be alone with
>  themselves in a car for a few minutes. 

     Exactly; what I'm always wondering, as someone who has never owned a cell
phone and has somehow survived nonethless-just what the hell are all of these
folks talking about all the time?  The few times I've ever absolutely had to
make a call from my car I've taken the radical step of looking for a well-lit
spot at a gas station and putting 35 cents inside it.
      And how in tarnation are they paying for it?  Every cell-phone bill I've
ever seen or heard of was damn-near confiscatory insofar as the charges.  For
emergencies I can see owning the things, but as far as everyday usage, unless
your company's fronting it...I just have a hard time seeing the fascination.
     Now, funny little machines that you can type into.....<g>

bringback the party lines!

dan bentele, on one of his fluffy streaks.....

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