>      Exactly; what I'm always wondering, as someone who has never
> owned a cell phone and has somehow survived nonethless-just what the
> hell are all of these folks talking about all the time?

I have to come out as a cell phone owner here.  I got one initially
because I have an old unreliable car that has left me stranded before.
I also have only one phone line at home and I'm online all the time.  
So I started forwarding my home phone line to my cell phone... first 
incoming minute is free, so you can answer the phone and tell someone
you'll call them right back and it doesn't cost anything.  

Now I'm hooked.  Band on the road?  I'm still available.  Working any
of the several jobs I have?  No problem, just call my home number and
it will get me.  Out looking for a new place to live?  I can call the
realtor from the front porch of the house I want to look at (in
Austin, where houses are on the market for about 25 seconds, that's a
distinct advantage).  I don't answer the phone when I'm driving, but
I'll get the message within a couple of minutes.

And it's not *that* expensive.  Cheaper than a cigarette habit, at

Bill Gribble

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