Greeting from Memphis, the car-jack car-stealin rape capitol of America

SUV's suck. I can fit my PA, 2 guitars, small amp, and even a 3 piece drum kit
in my 62 Mercury (and the dingle balls, hula girl, black power air freshener,
and dice look pretty fabulous driving down the road too).

Yes, I carry a cell phone in case I get stuck in the ghetto. But if I do in my
car, I know enough about it to maybe get it going again (unless I am stupid
enpough to run out of gas.... got mugged once when I let that happen). But
atleast in my car, no one in the ghetto want to mess with me as much as if I
was in a brand new $500 a month SUV. Hell, they could figure out how to crank
my car! And with my neon under plate floaters, they sure as hell will be
easily spotted when I get the cops on thier ass.

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