<< Good for you, and I'm glad you love your 62 Merc.  I happen to love my SUV,
 fit all my gear into it, I'm a damn good driver, and I hate Starbuck's.  
 This is much like the music debate, either you like it or you don't...but
 please don't try and stamp a # on my forehead and call me just another
 asshole because I drive an SUV. >>

This is great. Here we are, an incredibly open minded community when it comes
to music, but quick to plug SUV drivers as a certain type. My wife owns an
Pathfinder, and I am thrilled. Unlike her last little dinky car, I like the
idea that she's got a hunk o metal around her surrounding her. Makes me feel
more at ease that she's gonna come home to me unscathed every single day. I
like that feeling when it comes to the most important thing I have going in my
life. That's worth the price and the stigma right there. 

Of course, the reason *to* bag on SUVs is because their emission standards are
lower than cars. In LA, this means the quality of air, which actually has been
improving in recent years, is on the way toward greater brownness again. To
me, that's enough of a reason to never buy one again. I don't like
contributing to the further deterioration of the air I breathe. 

Anyhoo, OBTwang, the new Alejandro is quite nice, if a bit brief. Nine songs,
half of them covers, the other half equally as engaging originals. It's mostly
acoustic rock with strings, not unlike most of the live album. 

Off to work. I got me a day job for awhile. Gone (temporarily) are the days of
sweats, slippers and cats.

Neal Weiss

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