lance davis wrote:

> Clockwork as appalling? Um, I think that was the point. (I also think it is
> cunningly funny, and generally not recognized as such, but that's a longer
> story). One of Kubrick's consistent themes was the pretensions, hypocrisies,
> and fragilities of those in power, and how these people create, quite often,
> miserable effects for those underneath them. In Paths of Glory it's the
> hypocrisies of the French and British armies. In Dr. Strangelove, it's the
> buffoons in the War Room. In Lolita, it's the manipulative and lecherous
> Humbert Humbert. In Clockwork, it's the notion that the State can "fix"
> those who are "broken."

True enough (don't remember Brits in PoG) and I agree. I'd add though that Tom's
shown pretty good taste on a bunch of things here and is one of those folks
whose posts I pay particular attention to. (Even if sometimes they're cool
Chicago shows I'll never see) I can cut him some slack on this matter of taste.



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