> > > The fifth Beatle was Don Rich.
> > > If not for him, the Bealtes' sound as we know it today would not
> exist.
> > 
> > I'm sorry - I hate to disagree with a bass player - but I just don't
> see
> > it.
        [Matt Benz]  The 5th Beatle was Murray the K. Geez. Don't youse
clowns know anything? Leppo was the 6th and 7th Beatle, depending on who
he was standing next to. Ringo was actually the 8th Beatle, after Billy

        Seriously, The Beatles were influenced by Sun Records and R&B
more than country ala Buck. Tho some of Ringo's contributions show a
country influence, and the album track What Goes On shows a fairly
distinctive Owens influence, I think. 


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