At 10:34 AM -0800  on 3/12/99, ldk wrote:

>Yep - Ryko is by far the worst in cd case/inner ring quality. I bet more
>than half my Ryko cds are busted inside.  What I find amusing is that they
>priase their packaging as some patented special thing.

They patented the use of the color. (It's a design patent, not a
process patent.) And when I'm looking for something out on Ryko,
they're pretty easy to find.

>I don't know what annoys me most - the broken cd case phenomena, the plastic
>wrapping frustration (opening it), the tearing off the bar code scanner
>sticker overlaying the cd, or the dreade dhidden bonus track that typically
>young bands think it's cool to do still, years after the technology is no
>longer novel.

Having moved 1,000 miles recently, the *weight* bothers me. But so far
as I can tell, there's nothing nice one can say about the plastic
boxes. (I stopped saying "jewel cases" long ago. Considering the crap
most of 'em enclose, the pretentiousness just takes on a new level.)
Before my move, I came ohaboutthisclose to buying a bunch of those Case
Logic 100-CD cases and transferring *everything* in there, but the
booklets and back cards would have been too big a hassle.

I always hated breaking the shrinkwrap off an LP because it required
such precise use of a well-maintained fingernail, though...


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