As we prepare to leave for that big CSRF in the second best city in North
America (immediately behind Victoria, B.C.) I just wanted to ask P2ers on
the path between Toronto and Austin to keep an eye open for a group of 4
lunatic Canadians, including the controversial Mr. R. Flohil, who may suffer
a mechanical failure somewhere in middle America. Should you pass a vehicle
with its hood up and a distinguished silver haired gent leaning against the
car instructing the three other members of the entourage, all female I
believe, (no Rufus Wainwright tendencies there), on the finer points of tire
changing as he reads his first journey into the world of J.R.Tolkien (the
Hobbit) please slow down and as you roll on past say Hi Richard! See you in
Austin. Phew! There's a couple of run on sentences.


Look out Austin here we come

Doug and Christine Baxter and Adrian du Plessis
the thirsty and hungry Ragged Pup Records contingent. (Who chose to fly)

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