At 01:40 PM 3/17/99 -0500, you wrote:
>[Matt Benz]  Well, in many ways, I identify with Tweedy, since I grew up
>with much the same musical influences, I suspect, and hell, I jump
>around myself musically. But then, no one asks me about that, nor do I
>have an adoring audience following my every move. Well, I do, but a
>court order should take care of that problem. Anyhoo, what I mean to say
>is I understand what he wants to do musically, and again, I'm not one of
>them ND purists. But like Purcell, I haven't really got into Wilco that
>much. Not sure why, but it isn't cause of betrayal or anything. Just
>don' it...much.  

You've got the right perspective...  You understand where he's coming from,
yet you don't like it 'cause it just doesn't resonate with you...  That's
cool...  Personally I think this a really good/interesting record (time
will tell if it stays on my repeat listens list).  I don't know if its the
unabashed Brian Wilson influence or what?  Maybe it's just that I'm a
hopeless popster myself...<g>  Ultimately, I think it's that he's written
some strong tunes once again and they're to be found beneath the studio
>I'm also kinda disappointed with Kelly Willis' release. I guess I was
>hoping for something more along the lines of "Kelly Willis," a harder
>country sound. This is too ...erm.....americana for my tastes, at least
>some of it. Still, it is her voice, so I'll live and still play it. Saw
>an old video of heres from the "Bang Bang" days in which she fully
>participates in one of them modern country videos. Yowza.

I'm actually new to Kelly Willis.  I just picked up the record and really
like it.  Yes indeed, her voice is very beautiful and that carries me
through alot of it.  I also like the fact that she chose a few choice
covers (Drake and Westerberg respectively)...  Louris' contribututions are
great to boot, particularly "Happy with that".  "Not Long for this World"
is a fine closer...

Not sure if it's been discussed?  The new Paul Westerberg Record...Best
post Replacements release...  Agree?  Disagree?  Discuss. <g>

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