At 1:40 PM -0500  on 3/17/99, Matt Benz wrote:

>I'm also kinda disappointed with Kelly Willis' release. I guess I was
>hoping for something more along the lines of "Kelly Willis," a harder
>country sound. This is too ...erm.....americana for my tastes, at least
>some of it. Still, it is her voice, so I'll live and still play it. Saw
>an old video of heres from the "Bang Bang" days in which she fully
>participates in one of them modern country videos. Yowza.

Yeah. I bought it because it was $9 at Borders -- if you're going to
patronize evil places, at least don't give 'em much -- and it struck me
as a $9 record. Not that good, not that bad. I'm looking forward to
seeing her in a couple of weeks, but I doubt the CD will go into any
sort of rotation here. Maybe it'll grow on me... but probably not.

And I damn near needed a crowbar to get it out of the damn plastic
case. The reason those Rykodisc tines break is that they aren't made to
move when you take out the CD.

np - Bruce Robison, Wrapped, and maybe he should've had more influence
on her CD, since this one's mighty fine...


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