[Matt Benz]  Well, in many ways, I identify with Tweedy, since I grew up
with much the same musical influences, I suspect, and hell, I jump
around myself musically. But then, no one asks me about that, nor do I
have an adoring audience following my every move. Well, I do, but a
court order should take care of that problem. Anyhoo, what I mean to say
is I understand what he wants to do musically, and again, I'm not one of
them ND purists. But like Purcell, I haven't really got into Wilco that
much. Not sure why, but it isn't cause of betrayal or anything. Just
don't....like it...much.  

I'm also kinda disappointed with Kelly Willis' release. I guess I was
hoping for something more along the lines of "Kelly Willis," a harder
country sound. This is too ...erm.....americana for my tastes, at least
some of it. Still, it is her voice, so I'll live and still play it. Saw
an old video of heres from the "Bang Bang" days in which she fully
participates in one of them modern country videos. Yowza.

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