PaulAmeritwang asks after Brent Bambury and Mitch remarks on "early-morning 
news coverage" -- well, I don't know what time you get up, Mitch, but I don't 
usually consider noon "early morning." Brent is the co-host of Midday, a 
mostly inane CBC-TV chat and news lunchtime show; he interviews people, 
banters with his female co-host, and tries to look heterosexual as frequently 
as possible. He's fine on TV but it's a waste of a real talent - CBC should 
at least assign him to host an arts show of some kind.

(Altho, trivia note, Brent wasn't actually the first host of BNW, which has 
its 15th anniversary this year; that honour goes to Augusta Lapaix, who's 
still working various CBC hosting jobs and running a bed-and-breakfast in 

Mitch also says:
>"Nightlines" was cool because the host (name?),
David Wisdom
>... would also allow listeners a "free hour" of music,
called an "hour of power"
     >in which you could send in a format of one hour's music for him to 
Yes, I loved listening to those. The show that's replaced Nightlines on the 
weekends, Radiosonic, has its own version, occasionally having guest 
musicians etc. act as DJs (the last time I heard it they had one of the 
members of Combustible Edison, who played a great array of soundtrack and 
electronic music) -- but that isn't nearly as populist and exciting.

Carl W.

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