...well, a few months ago Ramblin' Jack Elliott was playing at my favorite
club and, much to the dismay of his wife? and daughter, there were two
knuckle-heads taping the show.  They were politely told to stop, they didn't.
They were told again.  They didn't.  Then, they were politely shown the door!

If someone wanted to make a bigger issue out of it they could.  Ramblin' Jack
could have easily had these guys arrested (along with 3 others who were taping
and didn't get caught). And in that case there would have been something more
severe than community service. K.

>  60 days community service for purchasing from Tunnel Records?
>  You think?  GrayZone may go after Kiss the Stone or the cdr maker
>  who's foolish enough to advertise on newsgroups, but I can't EVER
>  see them coming after the consumer.  What would they gain?
>  Chris
>  awash in moral gray, but agreeing with the subject

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