Nancy Says:

>>>>>Sammy Hagar....egads
>Get this ya'll, the owner of the newsweekly I am music ed of asked me to
>up an interview with him....
>Sammy apparantly has something to do with that new Tequiza beer.....

Probably just plugging "Red Voodoo" more than the beer.  Hagar's trying for
a different sound since parting with Van Halen.  His last album,  "Marching
To Mars" and now this one are decidedly more bluesy.  Hagar even brings in
slide and dobro; even has Bootsy Collins and Jesse Harms guesting.
Considering the never-ending dirge of electronica and hip-hop I've listened
to lately (and not by choice)...Hagar is like a throwback to the good ol'
days of rock - when we were all going to live forever on our rock-n-roll
dreams.  Anyway, I'm quite partial to "I Can't Drive 55" - teenage blind
indulgence and social commentary rolled into one heavy tune <g>

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