On Wed, 31 Mar 1999, Matt Benz wrote:

> Subject: PLAYLIST: Fear & Whiskey
> 3/29/99 
> > Music this week includes tracks from three bands who are
> playing April 17: Jim Roll & the Deliberate Strangers at Pluto's,
> and the Sovines who play the Next Decade.  If I can coordinate
> show times, I'll try to be at both events.

I thought that the Sovines were LITERALLY playing the NEXT DECADE or I
would have scheduled my show on a different day.  Damn . . .

>       [Matt Benz]  Hmmm. Could this mark the first time -outside of
> Austin, of course- that 4 p2 bands play head to head (add the Polish
> Hillbillies, who are playing with us, into the fray)? COuld be, could
> be.

It's Twangfest 2.5 -- -- or perhaps Twangburgh 1.7 or at the very least it
has the makings of one great computer geek party after-hours.

Me?  I'll be at the Sovines van trying to score some perverted jokes from
Pete.  And yes, I will definitely be wearing a silly hat of some sort.

Which reminds me that when I played with the Derailers at Mac's last year
their guitar player told Jamie DePolo that he was surprised to find that I
am not bald . . . he was under the impression that my hat was a deivice.

I mean can't a guy wear a hat cause he likes hats??  Well Matt Benz
apparently thinks it's ok . . . so I will trudge forward w/chapeau(sp?).


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