Matt Benz writes:
>  Ah, yes, I remember that now. So what's the story
>on it? No Pete Anderson? I like a nifty one line review as much as
>anybody, when I'm not interested in the music, but in this case, more
>details might of helped. 

     I haven't heard it yet myself but, yes, no Pete Anderson.  It's a
Nashville crew this time around.  Maybe I'll pick it up this weekend
since tomorrow is payday.
     Ah, the one-line review.  So difficult to pull off well, it takes
the wit of an Oscar Wilde to deliver effectively.  I've never attempted
it myself - I'm a man who knows his limitations - though came close once.
 I was told that a review I had submitted to "Country Standard Time" was
too verbose (I can't even remember who the artist was) and I came *this*
close to sending back, "Record good.  Fire hurt." as a replacement.
     I think my favorite throwaway review was probably one that showed up
in "Musician" when Yes' "Big Generator" came out:  "Just say no."
                                --Jon Johnson
                                   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                                   Wollaston, Massachusetts

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