Mike Hays wrote:
> Since you all lent your support when I was recently terminated by  an
> idiot boss, I thought it only far that I share my good news with you.
> I will be PD and begin doing mornings Feb 1 on WCUL in Culpeper VA and
> while the format is a bit too HNC for me, it does pay about 30% better
> and I will have a  bit of room to play with the music to bring some of
> the disaffected country listeners (read 35+) back into the fold.  The
> best part is I get to go head to head with the jerk that fired me and
> since I built the jerk's station up, I'll take great pleasure in
> dismantling it 1 listener at a time.
> Thanks for all your support P2!

Congratulations, Mike...and we'll take great pleasure in the continuing
sage of dismember -- oh, mantle -- ment,

Sarah W.

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