They are *really* good on this tour. They played Schuba's tonight, the
crowd generally respecting the fact that these people were playing
without amplification at all, and it was one of the best shows I've
seen in a long time. Christina Marrs must have one of the best voices
on this green Earth, and I was surprised that they started out with
"It's a Sin to Tell a Lie," but damned if she didn't hit all the notes.
If I weren't seeing The World's Allegedly Best Living Songwriter Who
Was So Bad I Couldn't Wait to Walk Out on Him (hi Deb#s) tomorrow
night, I'd be there at the Hideout for that show. (If any Chicagoans
go, it's Christina Marrs' birthday, so get her drunk.) JP posted the
tour schedule not long ago, and maybe he'll do it again. Too good to

PS to Chicagoans: If you see this in time and you can sink low enough
to tune in, they're on Mancow in the Morning at 8 AM.


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