>Well, I haven't heard the new Falkner, and wasn't in a hurry to because
>his first one did nothing for me. It's not terrible, it's just pretty
>thoroughly uncompelling. (He produced the record and most of the noises
>on it himself and I think that was a mistake)  Pop-geek roomie (another
>audities lister) says he thinks I'd like the new record though, so we'll

Yeah, I agree with you Bill...  Decent stuff, but didn't stay with me.
However, I really admire alot of his work.  Had the new one in my hand
earlier today, but passed.  Still on my list to pick up though...
>Chris, if you like Jellyfish w/o the Queen sound, try their first
>record, BELLYBUTTON. It's the second, (sans Falkner-with yesterday's P2
>hero Jon Brion) SPILT MILK, that veers that direction. ("Joining A
>Fanclub" is great fun, IMO)

Bellybutton is very good indeed!  Still pull that one off the shelf
occasionally.  Actually quite fond of the Gray's as well.  Saw them in
Boston just after that disc came out and was really taken by the sound.


Ah, Mr, Weller in his prime!

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