Jerry Curry wrote:
> Midwesterners are smart-asses and Texans are hot-blooded.
> No wonder there was a Civil War. <g> Remember who won though.
> Signed,
> A FORMER midwesterner......<even bigger G!>
> Jerry

Speaking of which, I just read a great bio of Sam Houston which I think
non-Texans would enjoy if you like American History atall. It is called
Sword of San Jacinto by Marshall De Bruhl, who apparently is a
long-standing senior editor in New York publishing circles. 

Because Sam Houston's story is really more the story of the Jacksonian
era and the Western push, as well as all of the pre-war North-South
issues, than it is of Texas, ya'll would probably like it.

Twang Content: 1)"Yellow Rose of Texas" was according to legend a
beautiful African-American woman who kept Santa Ana occupied while the
Texian Army attacked his camp during siesta. 2)My great-great-great
Grandfather was Sam Houston's chief of staff, later founded the Austin
American Statesman, where I was the Rock Music Editor at one time. 
Joe Gracey
President-For-Life, Jackalope Records

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