> > Matt Benz wrote:
> > > 
> > > And guess who just got one of the few original copies of the Texas
> > > Declaration on Independence? 
> > 
> > We demand it back at once.
> > -- 
>       [Matt Benz] Sorry, no can do. Tell ya what tho: we can ship you
> busloads of starry-eyed roots rockers, pot smoking dunderheads and a
> couple 1000 slack-asses. Isn't Austin a haven of some sort, for the
> indigent musician?
And, Joe G., we in Ohio also have a legislature whose incompetence and
hidebound conservatism would make Molly Ivins reconsider her conclusions
about the Texas legislature being the biggest assortment of dumbasses in
America. We'll trade you, ours for yours, straight up. -- Terry Smith

np George Barnes and Joe Venuti -- man, now that I've got a cassette in
the car, exploring old, dusty tapes is great fun. And thanks, Jon, for the
word up about the Danny Gatton tape. I listened some more and realized
that Leslie effect on his guitar only appeared in one or two tunes -- on
some of the others they actually had a pianist, and a steel player (Emmons?).
Ha, I did it again <g>.

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