I don't how similar the workmanship in P's and Jazz basses are, but for
what it's worth, I've got a mexican std jazz bass. It plays great, no
tuning problems, and sounds pretty good. the pick-ups are my one
complaint. I've noticed some buzz from lights and other equipment both on
stage and in the studio. it would probably sound much better if I did swap
the pick ups. I've also had some feedback problems, which could be a
amp/pick-up problem. the better your amp, the more of the drawbacks of
your instrument you notice, and vice versa.

I was borrowing a squire jazz before I bought the mex. don't ever buy a
squire. cheap beginner bases, but you'll outgrow it very quickly. they are
truly pieces of shit, unless you want your bass to sound like something
between a cough, sneeze, and a kazoo. seriously. 


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