Noo reco'd soon, as enny fool kin plainly see. Really. 15 songs wo'' currently #17 on th' list at - we is not afraid of no MP3..........
5/1/99 - Henriettaaugh's, Lexin'ton, KY
5/2/99 - Th' Emppy Glass, Charleston, WV
5/3/99 - Th' Mohawk Place, Buffalo, NY
5/5/99 - Th' Southgate House, Noopo't, KY
5/7/99  - Mac's Bar, East Lansin', MI
5/8/99 - Schuba's Tavahn, Chicago, IL
5/9/99 - Gabe's Oasis, Iowa City, IA
5/11/99 - Lee's Likker Lounge, MInneapolis, MN
5/12/99 - Saddle Creek, Omaha, NE
\5/13/99 - Knickerbocker's, Lincoln, NE (w/Junio' Brown)
5/14/99 - Finnegan's, Kansas City, MO
6/12/99 - Twangfest
Angry Johnny-Boy plays th' Rodeo Bar tonight, Noo Yawkers.
 Martin's Folly (I'll keep sayin' it: does NOT miss this hyar ban' live)
4/23/99 - Zephaniah Adams Brewhouse, Philade'phia, PA
4/30/99 - Manitoba's, Noo Yawk, NY
An' Kin' Radio will be on t'other nashunal tour in late May in June thet will hoof it to Seattle an' back. Shet mah mouth! Dates is a-comin' soon, as enny fool kin plainly see.
Despite Billy Bob So'on's hatred fo' Ray Mason, our tribute album t'him will be out Tuesday. It features th' follerin' bran' noo songs:
a purdy ballad by Cheri Knight
an acoestic ditty by Th' Ass Ponys
a rockin' "trimenjus hug" fum Charlie Chesterman
a Cars/Cure hybrid song fum Kin' Radio
an unbelievable solo/blues/country tune fum Eric Ambel
a rollickin' rockin' tune fum ex-Scud Tom Shea
an appeareence by NRBQ's Billy Joey Spampinato
th' marvelous space-pop soun' of Claudia Malibu
a punk tune fum Angry Johnny-Boy
a super instroomntal fum Boston's Pete Weiss
an' Steve Westfield an' his fabulous Slow Ban'.
18 tracks in all, ah reckon. An' basically it stan's fo' ev'rythin' we love: power pop an' roots moosic.
Fo' th' latess noos update on Tar Hut, click hyar:
Fo' th' latess baseball sco'es, click hyar: http://espn, as enny fool kin plainly
Eff'n yo' need t'look up a zip code, click hyar:
Fo' th' latess noos on th' city of Boston, click hyar: fool kin plainly
Jeff Copetas ~ Tar Hut Records
PO Box 441940 ~ Somerville, MA  02144 ~ (617)776-5106
"Two monologues don't make a dialogue."

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