Neil asks, what about Pete Krebs.

What can I say, I was a Hazel fan. First saw him solo on a bill with my
little bro down at NXNW 4-5 years ago. I played a show on a bill with him
in 1996 at the old club Moe. His thing keep growing on me.  Like what I've
heard of the record. PST is cool song. Like "Mr Smalltown (I think that's
what it's called ) also.  Only seen him once with the band. Mix wasn't
great that night. I'll be back again though.

Much more familiar with Marc Olsen. That guy is the unsung hero of the
Seattle scene. His old band Sage was great live. I like their first album
better than the second one. His first solo record is cool, but it really
doesn't do justice to what he's into now. His band has really jelled in
the last year or so. Fender Rhodes player adds a lot. I haven't heard the
new record, but I'm looking forward to it. He's one of my favorite guitars
players, period. 

Jake London

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