I could go on and on with this thread, but there's one that pops right to mind
for me: Joe Henry's "Trampoline". This was generally written off when it came
out, but I was taken by it (and still am). There was something about the whole
feel of the record, both sonically and lyrically, that I couldn't shake. I find
it to be head and shoulders above any of his other work (including the new
"Fuse", although it has its moments).

Another might be Neil Young's "Sleeps With Angels" . . . I thought it was one
hell of a record; it kind of went back to the crazed feel of the "Beach"/"Fades
Away" period, but updated. A far, far better record than "Mirror Ball",  "Broken
Arrow", "Harvest Moon", and on most days "Freedom".


-----Original Message-----
From: Jacob London <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: passenger side <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thursday, April 15, 1999 11:45 PM
Subject: criminally underappreciated albums of the '90s

>Well, I was laying in bed last night struggling to fall asleep when it
>dawned on me that this would be a good thread to throw out to the list,
>given that the '90s are almost over, and people on this listserve seem to
>love making lists.
>What are the 5 most criminally underappreciated albums of the '90s?
>I know you folks won't let me down. I don't care about genre, although if
>you want to list five in each genre you can think of that's cool too. Be
>creative. Go year by year if you want. If you've got picks for the 5 most
>criminally underappreciated albums of '99 include those too.
>A plain list seems fine to me. But if you're inclined, a paragraph
>justifying each choice is even better.
>I wonder if there will be much agreement?
>take care,
>Jake London

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