>My husband loves "Trout Mask Replica" to this
>day; still goes over my head though.
William Cocke wrote:
>I just put "Moonlight on Vermont" on a mixed tape and damn if it didn't
>work perfectly. Some of the most whacked out skronky shit ever recorded. I still
>can't listen to all of TMR in one sitting, though. Too whacked out skronky for
>too long.
A Captain Beefheart subject heading on P2. I've been hoping that this day wouldn't
arrive. It must be some kind of sign. And not a good one.
Man, I can't even find the words to express how much I hate Beefheart.
I know hate is a strong word, but it's really not strong enough. I'd rather be
forced to listen to Dave Matthews for all eternity through earphones super-glued
to my head then listen to 3 more minutes of Beefheart in my lifetime.  And I've *really*
listened to Beefheart. All of his lps (oh yeah, on scratchy vinyl) over and over again
until my head was about to explode.
I'm aware that the man is supposed to be a musical genius
(and we know this because he stopped making music years ago and
he dropped out of society to live in the desert in a trailer).  I've been told
repeatedly that I just don't 'get Beefheart'. Well, I maintain that there is
nothing to get. He's had some interesting things to say over the years.
(Arguably, there might be more to *get* in his writings and paintings.)
But, just because he might have something interesting to say, doesn't
necessarily mean that he's capable of making music. There is a
difference between noise and music, right? Maybe the wailing smoke
detector is actually music. I just need to understand the subtext of pain, danger,
and fear in its plaintive,  insistent cry.

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